Spiral Lab Sessions:
Let Your Lava Flow
The Lava Lab will immerse you in morning and evening hatha yoga sequences designed to facilitate heart and soul healing. Daily special afternoon sessions offer creative and transformative experiences within community.
Phase 1: What is blocking your flow?
Join Spiral Lab for a healing journey through yoga and meditation, in supportive community.
We will tap into the energetic fires of the Hawaiian Goddess Pele (the Earth eating woman). As we take this journey by fire into the Summer Solstice, it is only fit that we call on Pele and her cleansing fire to guide us. The summer season is about flowing with an open heart. It’s time to play!
Phase 2: Twist and shout it out!
welcome new vision
Shelley and Karma have designed creative and contemplative workshops and asana practice to assist you in twisting and shouting out what you need to release and alchemize. We will use the energy of the season to rebuild, transform, renew and call fun into our lives!
The workshop sessions are all about radical self love and setting your inner fire free. This is no time to be silent about what you want in life or what you want to see in the world.
Phase 3: Eruption! Euphoric Flow
After days of powerful asana and meditation on the black sand beach, be renewed by Pele’s sister Namakaokahai, Hawaiian goddess of the sea. The cooling waters of Namakaokahai call you to let everything go, knowing that the magic of the Island of Hawaii will be within you no matter where you go. Trust that whatever intentions you set forth, the Goddesses are assisting you. You will leave the island with a clear empowered vision as you step back into the world and run with it!